Errors and Omissions Disclaimer
The content of our web pages ( is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice on actual equipment usage from Wallace Cranes (herein referred to as Wallace). Wallace has attempted to provide information on its products to the best of our abilities. We believe the content is true and accurate as of the date of writing; however, we give no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or applicability of any of the contents. The amount of information makes verification of all pages somewhat difficult. There may be errors and omissions. When ordering products, the information in the actual order shall take precedence over the information appearing in web pages.
Product Documentation
Readers should always consult their specific product documentation for information on the assembly and use of our portable lift equipment. Please note that any instructions are not complete with regard to all of the available local and national standards. As much of the national standards consist of copyrighted materials, Wallace is thus limited in the amount of information that can appear on our website and in the usage documents.
Wallace accepts no responsibility for and excludes all liability in connection with browsing this website, use of information, or downloading any materials from it, including but not limited to any liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or misleading or defamatory statements.
This website is provided “as is” and Wallace expressly disclaims any and all warranties other than the information listed on Wallace Warranty page. Wallace therefore excludes liability for any demands, claims, damages or losses of any kind with regard to any content or information provided on our website, including but not limited to incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect loss, compensatory damages, loss of profits, or otherwise.
Content Updates
Due to our wide range of products and services and our desire to keep this site current, the content and information on our website will change and be updated periodically without notice.
Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property Rights
Except where acknowledged, the copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all material on this website are owned by us or our approved distributors and should not be reproduced in print or appear on a website without our prior written consent. These rights extend to all text and graphical content.
This Legal Notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Pennsylvania State law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with this Legal Notice are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of Pennsylvania.