Hippolift Steel Fixed-Height Portable Gantry Cranes

Wallace Hippolift steel, fixed-height portable gantry cranes are an economic alternative to our steel tri-adjustable cranes. The Hippolift is designed with a fixed height and caster frame spread.

The Hippolift is available in 1-3 and 5-ton capacities and offers an adjustable span allowing options for in-board or out-board bracing and cantilever configurations. The Hippolift may be customized to meet your specific height and span requirements. Our cranes are ideal for maintenance, manufacturing, repairs, and other material handling tasks.

The Hippolift is built using our patented pinned-joint design that results in a longer-lasting, better fitting, more flexible crane that is easy to assemble and disassemble. 

Many customers use our cranes for HVAC, assembly, and repairs of physical equipment. Some of our current users include electric utilities, municipal maintenance (including subways, buses, and building facilities), hospitals, universities, research institutions, and the military.

Available accessories include manual or powered trolleys and hoists. Options for track mounting with V-groove casters and motorizing cranes are also available.

Hippolift Assembly and Inspection Instructions


Hippolift Steel Fixed-Height Portable Gantry Crane from Wallace Cranes Click to enlarge

Product Features

Hippolift Steel Fixed-Height Portable Gantry Crane Dimensional Drawing (High Capacity) | Wallace Cranes

Hippolift Dimensional Drawing (High Capacity) – Click to enlarge

  • I-beam spans from 10′- 35′
  • Fixed height and tread – economical alternative to the Tri-Adjustable Crane when adjustable height and tread is not required
    • Heights can be customized
  • Adjustable span allows inboard or outboard bracing
  • Adjustable span allows cantilever configuration overhang limited to 25% of the I-beam length
  • Durable construction – high quality heavy gauge steel tubing is used
  • Self Aligning I-beam – Exclusive Wallace I-beam support system aligns off-center loads to avoid crane and trolley distortion
    • I-beam support system slides along the I-beam enabling legs spacing adjustments and cantilever configurations
  • Casters equipped with 4 position swivel lock – when locked 90 degrees with each other, they position crane more firmly than a brake
    • Lock “lead” casters and unlock trailing casters to easily move and steer crane
    • Alternate steel V-grooved casters are available for use on angle iron track
  • Designed to roll under load

Hippolift Fixed-Height Gantry Crane Sizes and Model Numbers

Capacity Span Model Number Overall Height Clear Span Caster Frame Spread
Leg Clear. Caster Dia. I-Beam Depth Ship Wt.
1 Ton 10′ FHS211-S10AC 10′ 10″ 5′ 3″ 6′ 8″ 6″ 6″ 690
FHS213-S10AC 12′ 9″ 5′ 9″ 7′ 8″ 6″ 6″ 754
FHS216-S10AC 15′ 9″ 5′ 0″ 8′ 8″ 6″ 6″ 864
15′ FHS211-S15AC 10′ 10″ 11′ 4″ 6′ 10″ 6″ 8″ 855
FHS213-S15AC 12′ 9″ 10′ 10″ 7′ 10″ 6″ 8″ 919
FHS216-S15AC 15′ 9″ 9′ 6″ 8′ 10″ 6″ 8″ 1029
20′ FHS211-S20AC 10′ 10″ 16′ 1″ 6′ 10″ 6″ 8″ 950
FHS213-S20AC 12′ 9″ 15′ 8″ 7′ 10″ 6″ 8″ 1014
FHS216-S20AC 15′ 9″ 14′ 6″ 8′ 10″ 6″ 8″ 1124
25′ FHS211-S25AC 10′ 10″ 21′ 2″ 6′ 11″ 6″ 10″ 1220
FHS213-S25AC 12′ 9″ 20′ 9″ 7′ 11″ 6″ 10″ 1284
FHS216-S25AC 15′ 9″ 19′ 9″ 8′ 11″ 6″ 10″ 1394
30′ FHS211-S30AC 10′ 10″ 26′ 4″ 6′ 14″ 6″ 15″ 1871
FHS213-S30AC 12′ 9″ 25′ 11″ 7′ 14″ 6″ 15″ 1935
FHS216-S30AC 15′ 9″ 24′ 11″ 8′ 14″ 6″ 15″ 2045
35′ FHS211-S35AC 11′ 1″ 31′ 4″ 6′ 14″ 6″ 15″ 2083
FHS213-S35AC 13′ 0″ 30′ 11″ 7′ 14″ 6″ 15″ 2150
FHS216-S35AC 16′ 0″ 29′ 11″ 8′ 14″ 6″ 15″ 2260
2 Ton 10′ FHS411-S10AC 10′ 10″ 6′ 4″ 6′ 10″ 8″ 8″ 806
FHS413-S10AC 12′ 9″ 5′ 10″ 7′ 10″ 8″ 8″ 870
FHS416-S10AC 15′ 9″ 5′ 0″ 8′ 10″ 8″ 8″ 980
15′ FHS411-S15AC 11′ 1″ 11′ 5″ 6′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1009
FHS413-S15AC 13′ 0″ 10′ 11″ 7′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1073
FHS416-S15AC 16′ 0″ 10′ 1″ 8′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1183
20′ FHS411-S20AC 11′ 1″ 16′ 2″ 6′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1136
FHS413-S20AC 13′ 0″ 15′ 9″ 7′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1200
FHS416-S20AC 16′ 0″ 14′ 9″ 8′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1310
25′ FHS411-S25AC 11′ 1″ 21′ 4″ 6′ 14″ 8″ 15″ 1699
FHS413-S25AC 13′ 0″ 20′ 11″ 7′ 14″ 8″ 15″ 1763
FHS416-S25AC 16′ 0″ 19′ 11″ 8′ 14″ 8″ 15″ 1873
30′ FHS411-S30AC 11′ 1″ 26′ 5″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2270
FHS413-S30AC 13′ 0″ 26′ 0″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2334
FHS416-S30AC 16′ 0″ 25′ 1″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2444
35′ FHS411-S35AC 11′ 1″ 31′ 5″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2549
FHS413-S35AC 13′ 0″ 31′ 0″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2613
FHS416-S35AC 16′ 0″ 30′ 1″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2723
3 Ton 10′ FHS611-S10AC 11′ 1″ 6′ 4″ 6′ 10″ 8″ 8″ 806
FHS613-S10AC 13′ 0″ 5′ 10″ 7′ 10″ 8″ 8″ 870
FHS616-S10AC 16′ 0″ 5′ 0″ 8′ 10″ 8″ 8″ 980
15′ FHS611-S15AC 11′ 1″ 11′ 5″ 6′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1009
FHS613-S15AC 13′ 0″ 10′ 11″ 7′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1073
FHS616-S15AC 16′ 0″ 10′ 1″ 8′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1183
20′ FHS611-S20AC 11′ 1″ 16′ 2″ 6′ 12″ 8″ 12″ 1265
FHS613-S20AC 13′ 0″ 15′ 10″ 7′ 12″ 8″ 12″ 1329
FHS616-S20AC 16′ 0″ 14′ 10″ 8′ 12″ 8″ 12″ 1439
25′ FHS611-S25AC 11′ 1″ 21′ 5″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 1996
FHS613-S25AC 13′ 0″ 21′ 0″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2060
FHS616-S25AC 16′ 0″ 20′ 1″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2170
30′ FHS611-M30AC 11′ 1″ 26′ 3″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2454
FHS613-M30AC 13′ 0″ 25′ 11″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2518
FHS616-M30AC 16′ 0″ 24′ 10″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2628
35′ FHS611-M35AC 11′ 1″ 31′ 3″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2937
FHS613-M35AC 13′ 0″ 30′ 11″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2913
FHS616-M35AC 16′ 0″ 29′ 10″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 3023
5 Ton 10′ FHS1011-S10AC 11′ 1″ 6′ 4″ 6′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 989
FHS1013-S10AC 13′ 0″ 5′ 10″ 7′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1053
FHS1016-S10AC 16′ 0″ 5′ 0″ 8′ 11″ 8″ 10″ 1295
15′ FHS1011-S15AC 11′ 1″ 11′ 5″ 6′ 12″ 8″ 12″ 1213
FHS1013-S15AC 13′ 0″ 10′ 11″ 7′ 12″ 8″ 12″ 1277
FHS1016-S15AC 16′ 0″ 10′ 1″ 8′ 12″ 8″ 12″ 1519
20′ FHS1011-S20AC 11′ 1″ 16′ 2″ 6′ 14″ 8″ 15″ 1592
FHS1013-S20AC 13′ 0″ 15′ 10″ 7′ 14″ 8″ 15″ 1656
FHS1016-S20AC 16′ 0″ 14′ 10″ 8′ 14″ 8″ 15″ 1898
25′ FHS1011-S25AC 11′ 1″ 21′ 5″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2103
FHS1013-S25AC 13′ 0″ 21′ 0″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2167
FHS1016-S25AC 16′ 0″ 20′ 1″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″ 2409
30′ FHS1011-M30AC 11′ 1″ 26′ 3″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2695
FHS1013-M30AC 13′ 0″ 25′ 11″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 2791
FHS1016-M30AC 16′ 0″ 24′ 10″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 3033
35′ FHS1011-M35AC 11′ 1″ 31′ 3″ 6′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 3329
FHS1013-M35AC 13′ 0″ 30′ 11″ 7′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 3361
FHS1016-M35AC 16′ 0″ 29′ 10″ 8′ 16″ 8″ 18″* 3970

Notes: * I-Beam Reinforced
5 ton cranes equipped with eight, 8″ diameter casters.
Aluminum I-beams up to 15′ available for all above capacities

Contact us if you need assistance. We have experts on hand to answer all your questions.

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